Home Staging
We make your property stand out from the rest. Home Staging is about how to elevate and differentiate your private residential unit from the common average when offering it for sale or rent in the market. The sale and leasing market is over-flooded by different types and qualities of properties that are either being directly marketed and offered through the various web-servers, or through agencies and brokers. Through Home Staging, you will make your residential unit more appealing, attractive and of interest to a wider group of potential buyers and / or occupiers. Home Staging requires not only a designer´s touch and eye for detail, but also professional real estate experience, market knowledge and the skills of how best to offer it, present and highlight its strong selling points. Each property needs an individual, strategic approach and our methods can be applied to all types of properties (residential and commercial) whether they are for sale or lease.
Home Staging can also be used by developers on their existing or newly developed projects and is not restricted to show flats only.
Why Home Staging?
- Through Home Staging you improve the attractiveness of your property and hence you increase the potential interest and demand for it within the market
- Improved capitalization of your investment by improving the value of the property
- By highlighting the strong selling points of your property, you will reduce the pressure on price negotiation when selling or renting it.
Why with us?
- We offer our clients a complete range of services, a one stop shop solution where we home stage and sell your property
- Given our market knowledge and real estate experience, we know what potential buyers and occupiers demand and expect from the properties when purchasing or renting them. Home Staging is only part of the whole process which we can assist you with
- Our fundamental approach is to properly listen to you and inspect your property first, identify and analyze its strengths and weaknesses and then provide you with an action plan and strategy about what needs to be done, along with a recommended budget
- We advise you on the realistic and achievable value of your property. Our interest is to present your property in our portfolio. However Home Staging is not the only driver of how to sell your property for the highest possible price
- Our experts have a long and profound experience with sales and rentals of all types of properties. They make sure that your property is professionally advertised, presented, negotiated and they guide you during the whole sales or rental process until successful closure
- Home Staging in the Czech Republic has different dynamics and impact than in more mature markets. What we commit to is that we do our utmost to improve the process and probability of selling or renting your property at the best possible terms and in the shortest possible time
- Our company is delighted to place your property into our portfolio. At the same time you can Home Stage, sell or rent your property via us, where we can also provide you with legal and mortgage services if required.
Our services
When selecting our Home Staging services, we organize a personal meeting during which we carefully inspect your property. This can typically require 1 – 2 hours, depending on the size. For residences with terraces or balconies, houses and villas we also consider the outdoor areas and landscaping as an integral part of it. Based on the information we collect, we then analyze and identify the strengths and weaknesses and revert back with a clear strategy and budget for what needs to be done. The analysis and strategy also includes the design features, lighting, furniture and accessories, plus tips & tricks of what needs to be done or changed, to improve and increase the probability of leasing or selling your property at the best possible terms. To help you to achieve and realize these recommended strategies, we also offer you the realization of these strategies as a complete service package. This will save you time and we take full control of the whole process on your behalf, including the marketing and presentation on our dedicated web pages.
History of Home Staging
Home Staging was established as independent branch in the USA in late 70ties of 20th century. Ever since, it has gradually become popular throughout the USA and in western European countries such as the UK and Spain etc. Today, with the post effects of the latest global recession, it became imperative to better present and preserve the qualities of real estate assets when offering them.